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Return and Refund Policy

Emedi Pharma offers a flexible return policy for items ordered through our platform. Under this policy, unopened and unused items must be returned within 7 days from the date of delivery. The return window will be indicated in the returns section of the order once delivered.

Items Not Eligible for Return

Items are not eligible for return under the following circumstances:

  • • If items have been opened, partially used, or disfigured. Please inspect the package carefully at the time of delivery before opening and using.
  • • If the item’s packaging/box or seal has been tampered with. Do not accept delivery if the package appears to be tampered with.
  • • If it is mentioned on the product details page that the item is non-returnable.
  • • If the return window for items in an order has expired. No items can be returned after 7 days from the delivery date.
  • • If any accessories supplied with the items are missing.
  • • If the item does not have the original serial number/UPC number/barcode affixed, which was present at the time of delivery.
  • • If there is any damage/defect which is not covered under the manufacturer's warranty.
  • • If the item is damaged due to visible misuse.
  • • Any refrigerated items like insulin or products that are heat sensitive are non-returnable.
  • • Items related to baby care, food & nutrition, healthcare devices, and sexual wellness such as but not limited to diapers, health drinks, health supplements, glucometers, glucometer strips/lancets, health monitors, condoms, pregnancy/fertility kits, etc.

Purchase of Medicine Strips

We sell medicine in single units to give customers flexibility in selecting specific amounts of medicine required. Our pharmacists can cut strips to provide single units of medicine.

Delivery Expectations

Currently, we offer approximately 12-48 hours delivery time for orders inside Dhaka City and approximately 1-5 days for orders outside Dhaka. Delivery might be delayed due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control or other valid reasons.

Return of Items with Broken Seals

No, you cannot return any items with a broken seal.

Return of Partially Consumed Medicines

No, you cannot return partially consumed items. Only unopened items that have not been used can be returned.

Return of Cut Strips

We provide customers with the option of purchasing medicines as single units. If ordering a single tablet of a medication, we can deliver that. It is common to have medicines in your order with some strips that are cut. If you want to receive a full strip in your order, please order a full strip amount. If you do not order a full strip, you will receive cut pieces. If you have ordered multiple single units that are cut pieces and want to return them, all pieces must be returned. We do not allow partial returns of individual pieces.

Refund Processing

If eligible for a refund, it will be disbursed within 1-7 working days (approximately). However, it may take longer in exceptional cases.
For any queries or further information, please contact our customer service team.